Combat • Stunt • Cosplay
Battle Ready, all purpose sabers!
All of our one one-inch blade sabers are designed for heavy dueling and spinning -- and to look great as well. We expect our sabers to be used hard and dropped often. All of our combat-ready sabers (basically anything with a one inch diameter blade) come with both our custom made heavy dueling blade and a lighter-duty "con" or show blade with your choice of round or pointed tip. And ALL of our sabers have in-hilt recharging.
Our multiple sound font, 11 blade color (RGBW LED), full effects (including flash on clash), combat duty sabers start at $129 and have a host of other features -- like lighted AV switches and in-hilt recharging -- that are not usually included in the list price of our competitors' sabers. Single color/sound font sabers start at $99, and 7/8" blade RGBW full effects sabers start at $79. We're adding new products all the time. In fact, we have many more in stock than we presently have listed, so give us a call if you don't see what you want!!
Visit our Facebook page to see if we'll be at a Con near you. We'll be at WonderCon in Anaheim, Phoenix Fan Fusion, and LA Comic Convention this year. Hope to see you there!